
Avocado Toast with Red cabbage, Microgreens, and Hazelnut Oil 紫色高麗菜與野菜苗酪梨醬土司

I started out making this avocado toast more than a month ago. It was just a quick thing to make and I happened to have the ingredients on hand. But then it became one of my favourite avocado toasts! With three super food ingredients: avocado, red cabbage, and microgreens, you'll be getting plenty of vitamin A, C, K, E, fibre, minerals, and antioxidants! As simple as it is, it has all the textures that you'd want - the delicateness of the microgreens, the crunchiness of the red cabbage, and the smooth texture of mashed ripe avocado. What makes it really special are the subtle flavours from the red chilli peppers and the hazelnut oil! It makes a perfect breakfast, brunch, lunch, or snack, and I know it'll become one of your favourite avocado toasts as well!

Avocado Toast with Red cabbage, Microgreens, and Hazelnut Oil (2 servings)

2       pieces of bread

1       avocado

3/4 C shredded red cabbage

1/3 C microgreens

half lemon

sea salt and black pepper

1 T     hazelnut oil

some flaky sea salt

a pinch of red chilli peppers

*T= tbsp, t = tsp, C = cup

1. Cut the avocado into small pieces. Transfer them into a bowl with a few splashes of lemon juice, and use a fork to mash them as much as possible. Season with some sea salt and black pepper.

2. Toast the bread pieces.

3. Mix the shredded cabbage with a few drops of lemon juice as well.

4. To assemble: spread the avocado on the toast, place the shredded cabbage on top and sprinkle sprouts on top of the cabbage. Drizzle with the hazelnut oil. Sprinkle with a little bit of sea salt, black pepper, and chili.

                                                                                               - Yvonne

酪梨含有豐富的蛋白質與其它營養,很適合吃素者食用,所以這ㄧ陣子在國外很流行ㄧ種酪梨醬土司。它的做法簡單,只要將酪梨壓成泥,加點調味料抹在烤好的麵包上就可以當早餐或午餐,完全不加美奶滋的許要。若要再豐富一點,可以隨意在上面做很多的變化,例如加顆蛋、肉或其它蔬果等等。這麼食譜是一個多月前在忙碌的時候做出來的,當時想以5分鐘做出快速又健康的素食午餐、冰箱又正好有這些食材,沒想到卻變成了老公最愛的酪梨醬土司!我在上面加了切細的紫色高麗菜絲與野菜苗(microgreens),所以具有非常豐富的維他命A、C、K、E、纖維、礦物質與抗氧化劑!雖然簡單,那鮮嫩的野菜苗、脆脆的高麗菜與細膩的酪梨醬、加上鮮美亮麗的顏色令人看了就很想吃。而最特別的是我還在上面撒了一點碎紅椒與淋一些榛果油!不管當是當早餐、午餐、下午茶或消夜都很適合喔~ (*^▽^*)

紫色高麗菜與野菜苗酪梨醬土司 (2 人份)

土司   2 片

酪梨   1 個

紫色高麗菜絲…切細 3/4 杯

野菜苗或苜蓿芽 1/3 杯 *在台灣的朋友們也許買不到野菜苗 - microgreens,但可以換成苜蓿芽或其它芽菜來代替
檸檬 半個

海鹽與黑胡椒 少許

榛果油 1 大匙 *也可以使用冷抽橄欖油,只是味道會較苦、也不會像榛果油那麼的香

碎紅椒 少許

1. 將熟透的酪梨切小塊放入碗中,擠一點檸檬汁,以叉子壓成泥,加一點海鹽與黑胡椒調味。

2. 將麵包放入麵包機烤。

3. 將紫色高麗菜與一點檸檬汁拌勻。

4. 先將酪梨醬抹在麵包上,放上高麗菜絲與野菜苗。淋一些榛果油,再撒上一點海鹽與紅椒即可!

                                                                                               - Yvonne

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