
Old Port Christmas Market 老港聖誕市集

Last year I had the pleasure of going to Nuit Blanche at the Old Port Market on December 27th (click here to see my post about it from 2 sisters et 1 cat). The market stayed open until about 23h while the rest of the city was mostly asleep. It was certainly a fun experience, but going there during the regular hours at this time of the year is also just as festive. If anything, you can even see more vendors and more products!

The Christmas Market at the Old Port runs from November 21 to December 31 this year. The truth is I've been wanting to do another post about The Old Port Market for a long time! Especially now that we're living even closer to it; we go there just about every week. (We actually only moved a few minutes closer to the market, but it's a great excuse.) The strange thing is, even though I go there all the time, I can spend the whole day there and still discover new things at every visit, and I always come home with my hands (and sometimes my belly) very full!! Since I covered some of the vendors last year, this time I'll feature some of the ones that I didn't get to see and write about, and that I personally like very much. I hope it'll inspire you to come to Le Marché de Noël to taste and see these wonderful Quebec local products!


去年的1227日雖然下了一場很大的暴風雪,但很幸運的在那天晚上還是趕上了在老港市場所的「不眠之夜」(Nuit Blanche) 特別活動(閱讀之前我在2 Sisters et 1 Cat的文章請按這裡)。那天因為活動的關係,市場特別開放至將近11點。對從未參加這活動又好奇的我,無疑的是個很有趣的經驗,但在這個季節的平時開放時間去,其實也一點都不失那節日的喜慶,反而更熱鬧,同時也還能看到更多的產品!

今年在老港的聖誕市集是從1121日起至1231日止。實際上,我早在好幾個月前就很想再為老港市場寫一篇,而老公也不停的問我什麼時候才要動筆。特別是這個暑假搬到這裡來之後,又比從前離老港市場再更近,它變成了我們幾乎每個星期都會"報到"的地方!奇怪的是,從兩年多前至今已去過n次的地方,我到現在還是常會發現新產品;且每逢去那裡,兩手(跟肚子)也都會"滿載而歸"!! 由於之前已經介紹過一些攤販,這次會與大家分享之前未介紹過並且是我個人非常喜愛的一些當地食品,請大家跟我一起來!

When you first walk in the main entrance, the very Christmassy and decorative little cabane à sucre (maple sugar shack) will draw your attention. As you can see, Godbout - the maple syrup maker, offers quite a lot of products here, from maple syrup, maple butter, coated nuts and jellies, to onion confit.

Left: They have excellent maple popcorn, and there are always free samples for you to taste! ; P
Right: Here, they call it barbe à papa (daddy's beard). The maple cotton candy is one of my favorite maple products. Cotton candy always brings me right back to my childhood!

左圖: 他們的楓糖爆米花很香也很有楓糖味,每次去都一定會忍不住抓一點試吃品來吃! (〃▽〃)
右圖: 這裡的棉花糖叫barbe à papa (爸爸的鬍鬚),它是我最喜歡的楓糖產品之一,它總是會讓我想起小時候吃棉花糖的情景…。

This beauty shop is one of my new discoveries this year. They have all sorts of skin-care products including soap, hand and body cream, make-up remover, etc. Everything in here smells wonderful and is made with only natural ingredients!
Left: They also sell dried lavender and different types of lavender tea. They were offering some lavender jelly to sample; the smell and the taste were so fragrant!!! 
: 他們也有賣乾燥薰衣草和薰衣草茶。那天他們正好給大家試吃他們以自己出產的薰衣草製成的涷膠,味道好香好特別喔~~~o((*^▽^*))o

Charcoal facial soap 黑碳洗顏皂

Natural salves 天然藥膏

Since winter has arrived, this is the one vendor that sells vegetables during this time and it's mostly cabbages, squash, and some root vegetables.

由於現在冬季天寒,他們是市集裡唯一有賣蔬菜的攤販, 但大部分都是一些高麗菜、瓜類及根莖類蔬菜。

Right: Pumpkin jam - I haven't tasted it myself but it sure looks interesting! (Maybe next time...)
右圖: 南瓜果醬?! 哇,很罕見的果醬口味!不過家裡一堆的果醬…,下次再試吧!(^ ^)

I like the crispy honey crisp apples from this vendor very much. They're located a little further inside the market. They also sell a lot of different fruit jams and jelly products. 

This is my favorite pastry shops in the Old Port Market. Not only are the people always very friendly, but you've just got to try their chocolate-cranberry muffins!

This booth is here all year long and they sell very good quality quail and guineafowl. The specialties here are these super tender and delicious quail legs confit and barbecue quail legs!!! Unfortunately they're sold out most of the time...
這攤販我也時常觀顧,他們的鵪鶉與珍珠雞都很好吃。但是最特別的是這個油封鵪鶉腿,超嫩超美味的~ (BBQ鵪鶉腿也很夠味喔!) 可惜都很難買的到...。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。

This vendor offers organic sausages, pâté, and cretons (a local pork spread made with onions and spices). I tried the fresh uncooked sausages last year and the quality was certainly very good, but tastewise, I can't say that it tops my list.


We tasted several different kinds of dried cured sausages that day, one had a lot of fat, and nothing really jumped out at me... Besides that, I was disappointed to see that while we were offered these tiny little thin half-pieces of sausage, other customers right next to us were given large whole pieces to taste!


On the other hand, I highly recommend this sausage booth! It's my favourite sausage place not only in the Old Port Market, but in all of Quebec!! The quality and taste are really superb!


The most important thing is that these guys are always so generous and kind. You can try as many sausages as you wish; they'll be happy to give you a taste and explain the ingredients to you (and I mean generous pieces, not starving little half-pieces....)


One of our favourites is the Coppa.
我們最喜歡的其中一種叫Coppa, 因為是比較大的香腸,所以他們會幫客人切薄片。

If you're a foodie, this is a place where you could easily spend hours, and when you're tired and hungry, there's now a cafe where you can sit down and grab lunch or a snack. I can't say the food is especially good, but the large sitting area is comfortable enough. 

We ordered a tomato sandwich that day. The sandwich contains lettuce, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, ricotta cheese, and pesto sauce. It was ok, pretty standard, though I liked the chewy multi-grain bread!

那天點了一個素蕃茄 sandwich,它夾有生菜、蕃茄、葵花籽、ricotta奶酪和青醬,口味算ok啦!倒還蠻喜歡那有點嚼勁的雜糧麵包。

Oh, and they offer breakfast every morning, too! That'll be the next thing I try.

There's a hot dog place, too! They offer many different kinds, from spicy sausages to sweet and flavored ones, you name it! You also have the choice of buying them uncooked to make them yourself! On the weekend, it's normally quite busy and there may be a line. *In Quebec, when you see hot dogs, it does not always mean the typical American type of hot dog; in this case, it's more like sausages. 
除了用餐區外,這裡還有一攤賣熱狗的,從辣味到有加香料的總共有近十種口味。他們提供現吃也可以買各種不同口味的香腸回去煮。通常在假日時間人很多,有時必須等很久 *魁北克一般熱狗(hot dog)並不見得是美式的熱狗,很多時候其實是香腸。

We got the merguez sausage, which is a bit spicy for me, but it was quite tasty! You can squeeze your own choice of mustard on your hot dog and there's even a jalapeño ketchup (if you're a ketchup person)!


They also sell these all-natural jalapeño relishes and jalapeño mustards!


Ok, now that you're legs are well-rested and your belly is well-fed, you can enjoy the entertainment they provide here! Christmas carols are definitely a must!! As a harpist myself, I certainly enjoy the beautiful Christmas songs played on the harp. The harpist is here throughout the season to help create a festive atmosphere. We also enjoyed the lovely performance by these singers. 

This was the only vendor who sold fresh local cranberries. For $4.75, you can get the medium sized basket, which contains almost 5 cups of cranberries! They'll be here until the end of the December. 

This is my favorite seafood stand here (though I think some of the people behind the counter could have smiled more! ) (* >ω<) 


Fish for fish and chips! Yum! 英式炸魚!

We got these shrimp during mid and late November from them. Unfortunately, they're no longer in season. We actually lived here for 2 years without knowing of the existence of this delicious local-caught shrimp from the Gaspésie region, until last month, when we bumped into a friend at the market, who was kind enough to offer us some shrimp right from his shopping bags! From then on, we were been buying bags of shrimp until they disappeared with the season.


Once they were caught, they were cooked right on the boat, so the taste is absolutely fresh. It doesn't need any seasoning at all since the natural salt water has already flavored them. It goes perfectly well with either some cidre or beer, and it's dangerously addictive!!!


Left: All the large sized ones had tons of eggs!
Right: I added some cooked scallions and served with some crushed potatoe and salad. Yum!!! 
左圖: 每隻大隻的都一定有蛋在裡面!
右圖: 我加了一點炒過的蔥在上面,和稍微壓過的馬鈴薯與沙拉一起食用,超好吃地!!! (-^〇^-)

Very good jam without preservatives. My personal pick? The black currant!

They have very nice hand-crafted pottery here, too.

This special bottle is for storing maple syrup.


Here they have the softest bears that are made from 100% alpaca. If you live in a cold climate, you must get one of them. In return for giving them a warm home, they'll keep your body warm and toasty at night! 

Another new discovery this year! I love this honey stand, but they're here only for the Christmas season. Otherwise, you'll have to buy their products online. All their products taste and smell so pure!
Right: They even sell a honey and propolis throat remedy for a sore throat or cough.

右圖: 他們還有賣以蜂蜜及蜂膠製成的蜂膏,可以喉嚨痛及咳嗽時食用。

The honey soaps smell amazingly good!!! I had to immediately get some!

In Quebec, a waffle is called a "gaufre." They sure do make good gaufres here! They're sold partly frozen and when you reheat them at home, they still taste really fresh. The ingredients are all natural and not too sweet, so they go well with either savory or sweet toppings, as you wish. 

They have all sorts of toppings for the gaufre, from salted caramel, carrot confit to red pepper confit, and more. The owner recommended the salted caramel. For me, I just love them with some really good jam, maple syrup, or honey.

也有賣許多醬料讓你搭配,如鹹焦糖醬、蘿蔔糖漬 、紅椒糖漬等等。老闆非常推薦和他們的鹹焦糖醬一起享用。對我來說,只要加上一點品質好的果醬、楓糖或蜂蜜是再好不過的了!

Left: I picked up some rose honey. The rose perfumy taste is very special.
Right: I tried the rose honey on our waffles the next morning and it was simple but sooooooo delicious!!!! 
左圖: 我買了玫瑰蜂蜜,含在嘴裡散發出淡淡的玫瑰花香,好特別喔!
右圖: 第二天,我馬上把那玫瑰蜂蜜淋在gaufre上,哇…超搭地!!!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

Left: One of the best onion and maple syrup confits we've ever had!!
Right:They make excellent apple cider here. The taste was intensely appley, and so refreshing, too! All the apple products are actually made with organic apples, but the farm stopped paying for certification due to rising costs.
左圖: 這是我吃過最棒的油封楓糖洋蔥!
右圖: 他們的蘋果酒超好喝的,試喝一小口就可以喝出很重的蘋果味道!所有的蘋製品其實都是以有機蘋果製成,但目前要獲取政府認定需要相當高的成本,因此他們按照法律規定,停止在標籤上註明是有機產品。

We ended up getting the cider and apple cider vinegar.I love the thyme and garlic in the vinegar; it really gives it a nice flavour!


This is another must for us! Since they're located near the exit, with the good smell, how can one resist walking out of the market without these donuts in their bellies? The owners are very friendly. Not only do they let me take as many photos as I like, but they even started making a fresh batch of donuts and suggested I take photos of them! They were so kind!!! (In Quebec, I am often told not to take photos or sometimes I get unwelcoming looks...)

甜甜圈也是我們固定都會買的,特別是它就位在出入口的地方。每回都跟自己說不買了,但是當我要回家時,經過那攤位又聞到那甜甜圈的味道,怎能不心動呢?老闆跟老闆娘都超親切的,不但讓我盡情的照,還特地當場做甜甜圈,並自己提議我照那甜甜圈剛出爐的樣子,真是把我給嚇到了~ (很多時候在這裡照相,是不受歡迎)

Cinnamon flavor is great for the season!

But you can never go wrong with the chocolate coated donuts!!!

I hope you enjoyed this little virtual tour of the Old Port Market. It is a special place that I was happy to share with you. Happy Holidays, wherever you plan on spending yours !

For more information on The Old Port Market 魁北克老港市場:

Click here for their website

Click here for their Facebook Page

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